Summer 2013 TradArchers' World digital magazine
Summer 2013 TradArchers' World digital magazine
The Summer 2013 issue of TradArchers' World features how-to articles (making a three under tab; applying snakeskins to a wooden bow), getting to know Marv Clyncke, bow review (Toelke Chinook), remembering Roy Case, tasty turkey tenders recipe, hunting adventures (bear, whitetailed deer, pronghorn antelope) and much MORE!
The Summer 2013 issue of TradArchers' World magazine features how-to articles (three under tab, applying snakeskins to wood bow), tasty turkey recipe, bowyer profile (Ravenbeak Natureworks), being picture ready, remembering Roy Case, getting to know Marv Clyncke, a bow review (Toelke Chinook), hunting adventure stories (bear, antelope, whitetailed deer) and MORE.